Case Study - Financial


Karen is a financial advisor with a successful business and numerous clients, prospects and leads to manage. As her business grew she found herself struggling with keeping track of all her meeting notes, emails, telephone calls, and client financial data. She was spending a large portion of her time on paperwork and managing her everyday activities.

This was taking away from her valuable time spent working with her clients directly and generating new business. She thought about a hiring an administrative person, but was dissuaded by the cost and extra time managment of staff and reduced security of her confidential client information.

Join AdvisorCRM today! Your "personal advisor" in the cloud. Accounting  Contact Management Secure File Transfer Calendar & More

With AdvisorCRM, all Karen's issues were resolved. Advisor CRM gave her a secure, simple and organized method to track all her client, leads and prospect data. Email and social media campaigns were easily done by the click of a mouse. Workflow process could be fully automated with a few mouse click selections. Client invoicing and billing is integrated into the database. Reports generated with click of mouse.

With AdvisorCRM Karen had all the tools needed to manage her client data and business development, allowing her to devote more time servicing her clients, and to prospecting and lead generation. Tasks that she may have overlooked are handled by the AdvisorCRM automated workflow system.

Karen specificlly liked that the AdvisorCRM system is fully customizable to fit her unique needs and personal preferences. AdvisorCRM is truly her "personal advisor".

Karen now has a effective tool to help her easily grow her business without the issues of adding staff and comprosmising her confidential data.